Sunday, July 8, 2012


...or here..

...ok...maybe here ...

hold on....this is where I would really like to be...

...but instead, I'm at home, slogging away on my computer. For those of you who know me, when I say slogging, you know I mean it, except it's more like    s l  o  g  g  g  g  g  g  i  n  g.   I'm a computer sloth, neophyte, idiot...severely on-line challenged... probably always will be. I'm not sure if there is a cure for this computer ailment that plagues me. The fact that I'm writing this post and was able to put these pics here WITH a watermark to boot, is a small miracle. 
So imagine the utter frustration it has been for me to find a program/app on line that I can download (or is it upload?..I don't even know...) to do floor plans lickety split, AND more importantly, the learning curve of the said program has got to be super easy navigable.  Torture I tell you. I'm not a violent person, but I have to say there have been many times in the last two weeks that I wanted 
to pick up my computer and ... 

.... DEEP BREATH ...

I have a Mac... I love my Mac, but so many of these programs are not downloadable on a Mac.
I also love to do floor plans by hand as I'm a detail person and I can get the detail I need, which you can't always achieve with a computer program. 
OHHH!!!!... the trials and tribulations of keeping up with the 21st century when you're a fossil.

 Add to this, the fact that I'm having my website completely overhauled by  Pixels & Print Design

   It's going to be FABULOUS and much easier to navigate...but of course, they talk all
 'computer-lingo-like' to me and I just stare at them...HUH! want me to do what?
At least they are giving me private lessons, you know, the kind where I sit RIGHT beside them, they show me how to navigate the back-end (I've successfully maneuvered THAT wee turn in the computer learning curve) and as I'm a big time visual learner, I take copious amounts of instruction notes. 

We're hoping to get this baby live next week, but I will certainly give you a major head's up! 
...stay tuned for the new and improved MODECOR, coming to your computer soon! 

......SO EXCITING....

...but  I'd still rather be here...


At July 9, 2012 at 10:43 AM , Blogger Lisa said...

LOL! Can't wait to see the new and improved Modecor website! I'm sure it will be fab and you will be able to do it all, actually I'll be coming to you for advice and help ;-/

At July 10, 2012 at 8:40 AM , Blogger Robin Siegerman said...

OMG! Maureen, I could've written this post! Were we separated at birth?!

At July 10, 2012 at 10:09 AM , Blogger Maureen @ Modecor said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence Lisa. As YOU know, this tech stuff does not come easily to me!!!

At July 10, 2012 at 10:11 AM , Blogger Maureen @ Modecor said...

We need to take privateers sons TOGETHER.... I gues that would be semi-private lessons. If there is a tech gene... It totally bi-passed me!

At July 22, 2012 at 12:09 AM , Blogger StagerLinda said...

You are way ahead of me! I still don't know how to put watermarks on my pictures. I am pitiful. AND, I don't have the patience you do to figure it all out. Thanks for the inspiring post. Maybe I'll try again...


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Maureen at Modecor Muses: ...I WOULD SO RATHER BE HERE...


...or here..

...ok...maybe here ...

hold on....this is where I would really like to be...

...but instead, I'm at home, slogging away on my computer. For those of you who know me, when I say slogging, you know I mean it, except it's more like    s l  o  g  g  g  g  g  g  i  n  g.   I'm a computer sloth, neophyte, idiot...severely on-line challenged... probably always will be. I'm not sure if there is a cure for this computer ailment that plagues me. The fact that I'm writing this post and was able to put these pics here WITH a watermark to boot, is a small miracle. 
So imagine the utter frustration it has been for me to find a program/app on line that I can download (or is it upload?..I don't even know...) to do floor plans lickety split, AND more importantly, the learning curve of the said program has got to be super easy navigable.  Torture I tell you. I'm not a violent person, but I have to say there have been many times in the last two weeks that I wanted 
to pick up my computer and ... 

.... DEEP BREATH ...

I have a Mac... I love my Mac, but so many of these programs are not downloadable on a Mac.
I also love to do floor plans by hand as I'm a detail person and I can get the detail I need, which you can't always achieve with a computer program. 
OHHH!!!!... the trials and tribulations of keeping up with the 21st century when you're a fossil.

 Add to this, the fact that I'm having my website completely overhauled by  Pixels & Print Design

   It's going to be FABULOUS and much easier to navigate...but of course, they talk all
 'computer-lingo-like' to me and I just stare at them...HUH! want me to do what?
At least they are giving me private lessons, you know, the kind where I sit RIGHT beside them, they show me how to navigate the back-end (I've successfully maneuvered THAT wee turn in the computer learning curve) and as I'm a big time visual learner, I take copious amounts of instruction notes. 

We're hoping to get this baby live next week, but I will certainly give you a major head's up! 
...stay tuned for the new and improved MODECOR, coming to your computer soon! 

......SO EXCITING....

...but  I'd still rather be here...